Consultancy Services

The ERDBSCMC consultancy services is managed by the Board of Directors (BOD), who is accountable to the General Assembly.

ERDBSCMC Consultancy Services is organized into three (3) units:  (a) Business Development, (b) Project Operations, and (c) Finance and Administration (see Figure 1).

Each of these units is headed by a Unit Head, who is supported by at least three (3) technical/support staff.

 The Business Development Unit (BDU) is responsible in designing and formulating project documents / proposals for submission to prospective clients. Once approved (or a project is still under negotiation), BDU is also responsible in recruiting technical experts and specialists (who may come from the pool of consultants or from the outside) who will implement the project. In addition to this function, BDU will also undertake the promotion and marketing, as well as establish linkages with other consulting firms and prospective clients.

Once a particular project is approved, the Project Operations Unit (POU) will take over and be in charge of its overall implementation and management. A dedicated staff will be assigned as coordinator for each project. POU will also be responsible in monitoring the progress of project implementation, and in the consolidation of all progress reports submitted by the consultants. When the project is completed or terminated, the POU will also be responsible in preparing the overall terminal report, in coordination with the recruited consultants.

The Finance and Administration Unit (FAU) shall undertake all the financial and administrative requirements in project preparation, project implementation and completion. It shall prepare all the necessary financial reports that will be submitted to the client and other regulatory agencies. FAU will also provide the logistical support, in terms of preparing cash advances, accommodation, travel allowance, flight schedules, and the like.



ERDBSCMC has more than 700 members of known personalities and professionals in the field of environment and natural resources research, development and management. Its area of operation is nationwide. ERDBSCMC’s sectoral competencies are in the fields of:

  • Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)
  • Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP)
  • 10-Year Solid Waste Management Plan
  • Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan (DRRMP)
  • Local Climate Change Action Plan (LCCAP)
  • Forest Land Use Plan (FLUP)
  • Tourism Master Plan (TMP)/Ecotourism Management Plan (EMP)
  • Integrated Coastal Management Plan (ICM)/Coastal Resources Management Plan (CRMP)
  • Foreshore Management Plan (FMP)
  • Annual Gender and Development Plan and Budget (GPB)
  • 3-Year Executive Legislative Agenda and Local Investment Development Program
  • Environment (impact studies and safeguards)
  • Natural Resources Management (Forest and Watershed, Coastal and Marine, Fisheries and Aquatic, Upland, and Urban ecosystems)
  • Biodiversity, Protected Area and Wildlife Management
  • Eco-Tourism and Sustainable Tourism
  • Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
  • Carrying Capacity Assessment
  • Urban Planning and Development (Solid Waste Management)
  • Water Resources and Watershed Management
  • Gender and Development
  • Socio-Economics, Resource Valuation, and Social Safeguards
  • Bamboo Production and Plantation Establishments
  • Project Planning and Development
  • Project Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Cooperative Organization and Management
  • GIS and Mapping
  • Statistics and Data Management
  • Park Planning, Design and Landscaping