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Welcome to ERDB and Science Community Multipurpose Cooperative (ERDBSCMC)

The ERDBSCMC has a total membership of 714. Out of this number, 332 (47%) are ERDB employees (regular, contractual, and retired) and 382 (53%) are classified as non-ERDB. As to gender classification, 59% are female while 41% are male. It has a total assets valued at PhP182.47M, including cash in bank (PhP35.05M) and loan receivables (PhP125.56M), among other items. The members’ paid-up share capital and savings deposits are PhP115.78M and PhP38.24M, respectively.

During the calendar years 2014 up to 2022, the ERDBSCMC obtained “Very Satisfactory” ratings based on the external audit conducted by Manaig, Manaig and Company, Certified Public Accountants with office address in Garden Resort Building, National Highway, Crossing, Calamba City, Laguna applying the Performance Standard for Philippine Credit Cooperative Indicators. The areas of rating included: Portfolio Quality (25%), Efficiency (20%), Stability (30%), Operations (10%), and Structure of Assets (15%).

On the other hand, the same auditors, using the performance standard rating system for all types of cooperatives, including multi-purpose cooperatives, ERDBSCMC was likewise rated “Very Satisfactory.”

Products, Services & Benefits

Members’ Investment

  • Share Capital
  • Savings Deposit


  • Regular Loan (RL)
  • Short Term Loan (STL)
  • Emergency Loan (EL)
  • Petty Cash Loan (PCL)
  • Special Project Assistance Loan (SPAL)

Members’ Benefits

  • Medical Assistance
  • Group Life Insurance
  • Interest on Share Capital
  • Interest on Savings Deposit
  • Patronage Refund
  • Mutual Aid Fund


  • Digicoop Payments, E-Load and Cash-in
  • GCash Payments, E-Load and Cash-in
  • Tie-up with Sky Quest Travel Agency and Request for PSA Documents like birth, cenomar, marriage, and death certificate

Consultancy Services

  • Agriculture
  • Environment (impact studies and safeguards)
  • Natural Resources Management (Forest and Watershed, Coastal and Marine, Fisheries and Aquatic, Upland, and Urban ecosystems) …


  • 1CISP
  • Digicoop
  • One Coop Tech
  • Sunlife

“Top 1 net premium contributor in Region IV-A under the Medium Scale Category for the year 2022”

ERDBSCMC was cited “for its exemplary performance in providing quality services to its members and the community, for its best practices and good governance, and for showing strong impact on the role of cooperatives for the attainment of equity, social justice, and sustainable economic development.”

Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth

Proverbs 10:4

“Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow.”

Proverbs 13:11

“Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies have no sense.”

Proverbs 12:11

Board of Directors






